Glass Coverslippers
A glass coverslipper is a type of coverslipper that uses a thin layer of liquid plastic or resin applied onto a microscope slide in order to cover and protect the tissue samples or other materials on the slide. This process, known as coverslipping, is a crucial step in preparing slides for microscopic examination.
Glass coverslippers are typically used in histology laboratories and are used in conjunction with other histology equipment and supplies, such as tissue processors, embedding centers, slide stainers, and microtomes, to prepare tissue samples for microscopic examination.
There are several different types of glass coverslippers available, including Leica, Sakura, Thermo, and Intelsint coverslippers. Automated coverslippers use robotic components to dispense the mounting medium onto the slide and apply the glass cover slip.
Glass coverslippers are typically preferred over film coverslippers due to the durability and stability of glass slides. Glass slides are less prone to warping or breaking and can withstand the high temperatures required for certain staining techniques. However, glass coverslippers may be more expensive to purchase and maintain than film coverslippers. Rankin supplies the Leica CV5030 glass coverslipper, Sakura glas g2 6500, Sakura glas 6400, Intelsint coverslipper, and more.
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